We kept buying cars; we couldn’t say no. From Jakarta to Surabaya, Yogyakarta, and Semarang(***
The air is polluted ’cause nobody says no.
The air gets an “F” by government analysis,
And this is the result of public paralysis.
We’ve known it for years–the smog’s getting worse–
But we shelved all our fears, and now here comes the hearse.
It’s powered, of course, by petroleum gasses.
Cars may bring us death, but they’re loved by the masses.
Today, Indonesia(***, but tomorrow the world.
To the depths of perdition our future’s been hurled.
Each car, truck, and bus made its own contribution;
We all–let’s be clear–have caused this pollution.
We all saw it coming and did nothing about it;
We all are to blame; there’s no reason to doubt it.
To our offspring to come, well what can we say?
WE danced to the piper, but YOU have to pay!
We’ve left to posterity all kinds of pollution.
Now, what can we do to make restitution?
We can replant the forests, and stop making cars,
Stop poisoning the aquifers, and paving with tars;
We can stop all the dumping in all of our seas;
We can stop the destruction of all of our trees,
And start saying “YES” to environment pleas.
It isn’t too late to at least make a start–
Or are we all lacking the necessary heart?
* Puisi dpt di antara skian banyak file2 di laptop.. dulu “bbrp thn yg lalu” nemu ni puisi scr googling… *lali pisan..
** Iseng pengen posting ni puisi selepas berdiskusi ttg masalah lingkungan dgn sorg kakak
*** Aslinya nama2 kota di USA.. tp krn qt di Indonesia jd sy ganti nama kota2nya..