On my previous story, “Lesson Learned #1: Appointment”, I have told you that I have to meet my primary supervisor on Monday. After I sent him an email to inquire about the possibility for me to meet him on that day, I was waiting for about an hour, but I have not received any reply yet. My flatmate from Indonesia (Hadi) invite me to went Campus together—mainly because I did not know yet the way from our flat to VUW. After leaving our flat, practically I did not have any internet access, so I was not able to check my email.
Hadi escorted me to my primary supervisor office in Waiteata Road, and then he left me alone. When I entered the office to meet my supervisor, the front office staff asked me whether I have an appointment or not. I said that I just arrived in Wellington and my supervisor told me that he will be on campus on Monday and be looking forward to meeting me. So the staff make a telephone call to my supervisor and he will pick me up at his office.